Film Reel: 700mm
Jaws width: 350mm
Height seeling cut unit: 170mm
Minum size of product: 10 x 10 x 10 mm (HxLxW)
Maximum size of product: 180 x 300
Speed: 15 ppm
Machine size: L:870mm W:750mm H:1650mm
Machine weight: 400kg
The wrapping machine EASY CRIMA can change inclination from horizontal to inclined.
The longitudinal sealing of the bags is made through two pairs of wheels for pulling and sealing, the traversal sealing is made by the jaws with mechanical closing. The forming tunnel is adjustable in order to make the change of size in a easy and quick way.
The new EASY CRIMA works with different types of film: polypropylene, laminated film, microperforated film, etc. The speed of the pulling of film, the length of the bags and the temperature of the sealing jaws and of the wheels are set through a control board.